High Commission of India

NRI Certificates Passport & Consular

NRI Certificates



  2. 1. The High Commission of India issues certificates confirming Non-Resident Indian (NRI) status to Indian nationals who would like to sponsor for College/University admissions, opening a bank account in India, claiming of taxation benefits, legal matters, Government benefits, loan applications in India, etc.
  3. 2. Applicants must have resided in Singapore for more than 6 months to obtain NRI status certificate.
  4. 3. Applicants must come in person to apply for NRI.
  5. 4. Original Indian Passport and a copy to be submitted along with the application.
  6. 5. Original and Copy of IC (PR/ EP/WP/ S PASS/DP) and a recent passport size photograph is required.
  7. 6. Applicants who are on EP/WP/SPASS must produce latest employers letter mentioning period of stay in Singapore and a copy of proof of address in the country of residence like utility bills, bank statements, etc.
  8. 7.  A letter detailing the purpose of requirement for the NRI Certificate.
    8. Processing time is 3 to 5 working days. Fee applicable is S$30 in cash only.
  9. 9. Application form (click here) to be filled in by the applicants.

 NOTE: For Emergency Services, an additional emergency fee of S$100 is applicable. Processing time is 2 working days.



  1. 1. The High Commission of India issues OCI Certificates for availing of educational benefits in India.
  2. 2. Applicants must come in person to apply for OCI Certificate.
  3. 3. Original Passport and OCI card along with copies to be submitted with the application.
  4. 4. Original and Copy of IC and a latest passport size photograph is required.
  5. 5. A letter detailing the purpose of requirement for the OCI Certificate.
  6. 6. Processing time is 3 to 5 working days. Fee applicable is S$30 in cash only.
  7. 7. Application form (click here) to be filled in by the applicants.

NOTE: For Emergency Services read Tatkal, an additional emergency fee of S$100 is applicable. Processing time is 2 working days.