- 1. The High Commission of India follows Online Visa procedure and handwritten/manually typed visa applications are not accepted. To access the online form, applicants must go to the link https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/ and click on “Regular visa application”. Select “Singapore” as an option for the “Mission Field”.
- 2. Please take a print out of the duly filled up online form (please ensure that all fields are diligently filled) and submit the signed copy at the authorized Indian Visa Application Centre (IVAC). Location details of IVAC, please click here
- 3. The Passport whose Nationality is linked to the Singapore IC / EP / S Pass /Work Permit has to be submitted for Visa. (For Example - Applicant holds both USA and Italy Passports, if the nationality on Singapore IC reflects as USA, then the USA passport has to submitted for Visa).
- 4. Applications are to be submitted along with a recent passport-size colour photograph (size 2" x 2", white background), applicable visa fee in cash and requisite documentation (For visa document requirements, please visit: Visa Services › Regular/Paper Visas >Types of visas and documents required).
- 5. All visa applications should be accompanied by copy of personal particular or Bio page of the passport and a copy of the EP/WP/NRIC/SP.
- 6. Applicants holding dual citizenship are requested to update the information on the online application form. Also, the applicant should intimate on the application form if he is holding two passports of same nationality as well. Copy of both passports has to be attached along with Visa application. Pakistan nationals holding dual nationality are expected to apply on their Pakistan passport only.
- 7. When applying for an Indian visa, applicants are requested to disclose details of all passports (current/old) held by them. Failure to do so may result in rejection of their applications.
- 8. Suppression of facts and information will not only result in delay/ or denial of visa applied for but may debar the applicant from applying under this system in future.
- 9. Visa applications may be submitted at IVACs on any working day between 09:30 AM – 01:00 PM and no appointment is required. All Collection of Passport after Visa processing is also through IVAC only.
In case of any difficulty and for clarifications regarding online/ physical submission of the visa application, please contact the IVAC.
Warning about fake websites
Please beware of fake websites offering Indian Visa/e-Tourist Visa related services or any expedited/ emergency services on behalf of the Government of India.
It has come to this Mission’s notice that there are fake websites like: www.indiavisa.co.in
; e-touristvisaindia.com
; indianvisaonline.org.in
; e-visaindia.com
etc., duping Indian visa seekers. All concerned may kindly be aware and note that this Mission’s official website is: http://hcisingapore.gov.in and the universal online Visa Application URL of Government of India for both Regular Visa and e-Visa is: https://indianvisaonline.gov.in
. HCI Singapore do not accept any advanced online payments for Visa, Passport and Consular services rendered by it in Singapore, except for the fees taken during physical submission.
For FAQs on Visa services please visit our website athttps://www.hcisingapore.gov.in/FAQs_Visa