(भारत सरकार)
Government of India
(विदेश मंत्रालय, सीपीवी प्रभाग)
Ministry of External Affairs
CPV Division
No. PRO/PG/Misc/2014, September 10, 2014
Under the Passport Seva Project (PSP), the Ministry has put in place a citizen-friendly, strengthened Grievance Redressal System to ensure quick redressal of public grievances. The following mechanism, which has been set up for dissemination of information about various services, handling of grievances and citizen feedback, may be accessed by citizens to register their grievances:
- Through Passport Portal: The Passport Seva website (www.passportindia.gov.in
) provides information related to documents/formalities to be completed for online submission of passport application. In case of any other query, the applicant can log a request for information: Link:www.passportindia.gov.in > Information/Feedback/grievance > information
- National Call Centre: There is a National Call Centre with a toll free number (1800-258-1800), which operates in 17 languages on 24x7 basis to provide comprehensive information related to application submission.
- E-mail/Call to respective Passport Office (PO):The Passport Seva website (www.passportindia.gov.in
) can also be accessed for getting details of each PO whereby applicant can directly be in touch with them through e-mail/telephone/fax. Link:www.passportindia.gov.in>PassportOffices
- Helpdesk: There is also an e-mail based helpdesk which can be accessed by citizens through the Passport Seva website (www.passportindia.gov.in
- mPassport Seva mobile app: Smartphone users can access information using mobile app ‘mPassport Seva’. It is available on Aandroid, iOS, Windows and BlackBerry Platforms
- Short Message Service (SMS): This is an optional Premium SMS facility by paying a one-time enrolment charge of Rs.30/-, payable in cash at the Passport Seva Kendra to receive alerts and updates on passport application. Applicants receive up to nine SMS on application status and actions needed. Also, the applicant can send an SMS query at any time to know the current status of the application. Following steps may be followed by applicants to enroll to SMS facility:
- Select ‘SMS services’ while submitting application and pay the charge in cash on visiting PSK.
- In addition to the above, the applicant can track the status of his/her application by sending an SMS to 9704100100 in the format '<< STATUS >><< SPACE >><< File Number >>', for example, STATUS BNG071268435013.
- Passport Portal: In case of any grievance related to passport application, the applicant can register the grievance through the Passport Portal under link:www.passportindia.gov.in>Information/Feedback/grievance>grievance
- National Call Centre: An applicant can also register a grievance through National Call Centre (1800-258-1800), which operates in 17 languages on 24x7 basis by generating a Service Request Number (SRN) to track its status online, which can be used for subsequent enquiry.
- Helpdesk: There is also an e-mail based helpdesk which can be accessed by citizens through the passport portal (www.passportindia.gov.in) where grievances can be registered
- Centralized Public Grievance Redress And Monitoring System (CPGRAMS): An applicant can also register a grievance through CPGRAMS portal (www.pgportal.gov.in
) and track the status online.
- Public Grievance Cell: There is also a Public Grievance Cell in CPV Division of the Ministry of External Affairs under the supervision of the Chief Passport Officer which deals with grievances received through telephone, e-mail and post.A dedicated e-mail address i.e. [email protected]
is handled by this Cell to take up the passport grievances.
Note: In order to register grievance, applicant should quote the passport file number/passport number, name, Date of birth.
- Passport Office (PO): Applicants may visit respective Passport Office, through Enquiry Counter/May I Help you/Information Facilitation Centre (IFC) generally between 1000 to 1300 hours for status enquiry of their applications, submission of their pending documents/clarifications. There is also a Policy Section whereby escalated cases are processed after submission of requisite document/re-police verification, etc. Details of each PO can be accessed under link: www.passportindia.gov.in>PassportOffices.
- Passport Adalats: Applicant can also take recourse to Passport Adalats which are being held by PO regularly to address long pending/complex cases. Details/updated status regarding adalats can be checked on passport portal (www.passportindia.gov.in
- Passport Mela- In case of applicants facing problems in not getting online appointment for submission of application, passport Melas are being organized from time to time by Passport Office.Details/updated status regarding Mela can be checked on passport portal (www.passportindia.gov.in).
- Passport portal (www.passportindia.gov.in): Applicants are welcome to give feedback/suggestion through passport portal under link:www.passportindia.gov.in>Information/Feedback/grievance>Feedback
- Passport Seva Kendra- Applicant may give suggestion/feedback through the suggestion/feedback boxes placed at PSKs.
- CPGRAMS- Through CPGRAMS portal (www.pgportal.gov.in
), the applicant may also give their feedback with reference to grievance registered on CPGRAMS.