Students from India seeking admission to Institutes or Universities in Singapore are strongly advised to ascertain the bonafides of the educational institute and the certificates or diplomas offered by the institution. Useful websites in this regard are:
Council for Private Education, Singapore (CPE)
1 Orchard Road #01-01
(YMCA International House)
Singapore 238824.
Tel: 0065-6592 2119
Fax: 0065-6337 1584
E-mail: [email protected]
Singapore Ministry of Education,
Customer Service Centre, 1 North Buona Vista Drive, Singapore 138675
Tel: 0065-68722220
Fax: 0065-67755826
E-mail: [email protected]
Association of Indian Universities (AIU),
16, Comrade Indrajit Gupta Marg (Kotla Marg) New Delhi-110002
Tel No: 011-23230059/ 23232429/23232305
Fax No: 011-23232131
E-mail: [email protected]
Prospective students coming to Singapore are advised to familiarize themselves in advance about conditions in this country. Useful information in this regard is contained in the websites of the Singapore Government, the National Environment Agency (
), the Singapore Management University (
), Nanyang Technological University (
), and the National University of Singapore (
Students pursuing short-term courses in private educational institutions in Singapore are issued student visas/passes by the Government of Singapore on the recommendation of the educational institutions for six months period at a time. Extensions of such student visa/pass upto the full length of the course depends upon many factors which include successful completion of the first part of the course, fulfilling minimum requirements of attendance etc. and the discretion of the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA), Government of Singapore.
Completion of short courses in private educational institutions does not entitle a student for getting a job or an Employment Pass.
It is advisable that a prospective student make his own independent enquiries about bonafides of the institutions in Singapore before getting themselves admitted; there have been instances in the past when appointed agents or persons passing as appointed agents have not acted in students best interests in conduct, advise or guidance. The website of the Council for Private Education, Singapore ( contains useful information in this regard. In case of any doubts, please also check with the High Commission of Singapore in New Delhi or its Consulates. Contact details are as follows:
High Commission of Singapore
E-6, Chandragupta Marg, Chankakyapuri, New Delhi -110021
Tel: 011-46000800 / Fax: 011-4601413
E-Mail:[email protected]
Consulate General of Singapore
No.17A North Boag Road, T.Nagar, Chennai - 600017
Tel: 044-2815827 / Fax: 044-28158209
E-Mail: [email protected]
Consulate General of Singapore
No.152, 14th Floor, Maker Chambers IV, 222, Jamnalal Bajaj Road
Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021
Tel: 022 2204 3205 / Fax: 022 22855812(Visa) / 022-22043203 (General)
Email: [email protected].